
Card お見舞いカード

私の大切な友人が、入院している。ナノカと、二人で、お見舞いのカードを作る事にした。My very good friend, Ai, is staying at the hospital for her medical treatment, and we tried to make a card to cheer her up.
雑誌を切り抜き、貼って行く。ナノカは、時計ばかり、切り抜く。Cut the shape from magazines. Nanoka liked to cut out the clocks.
上から、思い出の写真を貼り、メッセージを添える。ゴチャゴチャ感が、いい感じ。I added the photos and messages on it.

出来が気に入って、あげたくなくなっちゃうぐらいの、ナノカでした(送るよ!て最後に言えました)She liked so much that she did not want to send. At the end, she agreed to give.
Kids art works meant treasure for the parents but crap for the others. I do not want to give the things that people will feel what they should do afterwords. Still I want Nanoka to experience "joy to make something" "Express her care by her hands" I wish that she would know there was choice to use her hands to make somebody happy besides buying something.
To make her feel "she did it" and also to make better looking, I let her work on making base sheet, and I arranged it with photo and message at the end. She now used scissors to cut out roughly the object-this time, clocks. She put less glue this time and she did not make mistake which side she put. It is progress.
I put the photos in the transparent bag and taped them, so she can remove for her use later on.

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