
Bringing up Nautica 虫愛づる姫養成

I was a girl who loved insects. Observing ants for a half hour in the same pose, my mom said. I packed ants into box and brought to room(of course they escaped through gaps to all over the room) and put warms into pockets. I had no memory that my mom scolded me by that and I had to thank to her. Soon Nanoka would be interested in insects and I had to be tolerant to that, I made up my mind. 私は、母によると「近所で、30分の長話をして戻ってきたら、全く同じ姿勢で、アリの行列をみていた」という2歳児だったようだ。自分でも、箱いっぱいのアリを詰めて、部屋に持ち込んだ事(もちろん、箱の間からアリの大脱出)や、ポケットにダンゴムシを集めた記憶があり、子供というものは、そういう事をするのだと、思っていた。親が嫌がっていると、虫と触れ合う機会を子供から奪ってしまいかねない。虫採取に対しては、寛容になろうと、決心していた。
However, Nanoka disliked insects. She said, "I dislike ants. Scarely" every time she saw ants(and other similar insects)しかし、私の決心の前に、ナノカは、そもそも虫がキライのようだ。「アリちゃん、イヤ。コワイ」は、ナノカの口癖。ちなみに、保育園にオレンジの斑点がある黒いイガイガの虫(てんとう虫の幼虫?)が大量発生していたが、それも「アリちゃん」と呼んでいた。あれは、こわくても仕方ないかも。
She even rant to me to see a tiny fly. Well, I could understand if it were roaches, colorful warms or centipedes,,,その後はエスカレートして、網戸にとまったハエも「虫ちゃんがいる!」と、抱きついてくる始末。いやあ、そりゃ、ムカデとか、そういうのを嫌がるのは、わかるけど、そんなちっちゃいのまで、嫌がらなくても、、、、
I felt pity about her insects phobia. So one day I found caterpillar on vegetable and showed her. She did not show strong phobia so I kept it into the container to bring up. For a few days, it grows and Nanoka started to care of it. Then it died by parasitic bee. Every day Nanoka asked me "where's caterpillar?" and I had to answer, "It died" "It went to the heaven" It became "life and death" lesson,,,このまま、虫嫌いになってほしくないなあ、と、小松菜についていた青虫を見せたら、嫌がらなかったので、パックに入れて、飼い始めた。数日間育てていると、まるまると太っていき、愛着がわいた所で、寄生していたハチの幼虫が発生。「アオムシちゃんは?」と聞いてくるナノカに、「死んじゃったよ」「天国に行っちゃったよ」と答える日々。「生と死」という、重たい勉強になってしまいました、、、
「アオムシちゃん」を観察する、ナノカ。She observed caterpillar.
しかし、アオムシをきっかけに、すこーしだけ、虫に対する恐怖心も、ゆるんできたかな、という印象。導入は、すこし、親が手伝ってあげる事も、大切なのかも。Anyway, she gained a little bit interests in insects after the caterpillar matter. Kids might need a little instruction from parents.


Special Day あたいは、誕生日ガール

On the birthday, Nanoka went to the school. It was same day as usual weekdays except I said "today is your birthday." and I tied her hair with my handmade ribbon. Anyway, she must have not understood what the birthday was, I believed. 誕生日、ナノカは普通に保育園に行った。朝、「お誕生日、おめでとう」と声をかけたのと、手作りしたリボンをつけてあげた以外は、いつもと同じ日中。まあ、去年の記憶があるとも思えないし、最近誰かの誕生日を祝った訳でもないし、誕生日って物が、わかってないはずだよね、と思って送り出した。
After the school, we went grocery shopping. Since we planned the party during weekends, it is not big shopping. I looked through the fruit area, but nothing looks good. I checked the price of melon, and it was not reasonable. OK, I made jello at home. Should be fine without fruit. I left the fruit area.保育園の帰り、スーパーでお買い物。でも、パーティー自体は日曜に仕切り直す予定だったし、ディナープレートは、家にあったもので、ほぼ準備を整えていたので、足りないものを買い足す程度。フルーツがあったらいいかな、と見たが、めぼしいものがない。メロンは、、、高いから、まあ、いいか、と立ち去った。
When I queued to pay, Nanoka came to me and said, "Buy Melon!" She seemed to be sure that I would listen to her. I felt wierd since she usually did not ask me to buy something so surely. Also we bought melon only one time. Anyway, it was her birthday, I bought melon.お会計の列に並ぼうとすると、ナノカが、「メロン買うの」と言う。はっきりと冷静に(しかし、確信を持って)メロンをねだっている。そもそも、こんな風にねだる事はないし、メロン自体も、1回しか買った事がない。不信に思いながらも、誕生日ガールの願いなので、買ってあげた。
On the bus home, we opened the birthday card that she got from the school. She pointed at the back of the card, and asked me "what's this?" It was pictures of presents. I said "present" and she pointed another asked again. She kept asking all the presents and when she finished all of them, she started from the first one. It lasted till we reached home.Were you expecting the presents? Apparently she knew something about birthday...バスの中、保育園でもらった、誕生日カードを開けて見た。「これ、なあに?」と聞くので、見ると、カードの裏に、プレゼントの絵が10個程、並んでいて、その1つを指さしていた。「プレゼントだよ」と言うと、「これ、なあに」と次のプレゼントを指さす。そうして、すべてのプレゼントを指さし、終わると、また1から聞き始めた。「プレゼントだよ」「プレゼント」と私の声がバスに響く。期待されてるんだろうか、、、誕生日について、どうやら、なんか知ってるようだった。2歳って、すごいね。


Happy Two Years Old, Darling! 2歳おめでとう!

2 year old birthday dinner. I only made this since it was weekday, but she was excited to eat her favorite menue. Cat rice, white cream, 2 shape pizza. ネットで調べると、ものすごい誕生日ディナーを準備している、ママさん達の作品に頭が下がったが、当日、ナノカの世話をしながら、なんとか用意できたのは、上記の「2歳プレート」。ネコチキンライス。クリームソースに、2のピザ、これ以外に、2色ゼリー。好物ばかりで、なんの躊躇もなく、ガッツリ崩して、食べてました。
On Sunday, we had birthday party. I prepared sushi party for her. She also ate cake for the first time. She loved to wear the hat, this time. 日曜日にあらためて、誕生日パーティー。すし飯好きのナノカのために、手巻き寿司。初ケーキ(アレルギー対応、卵抜き)は、フルーツをほじって食べた。今年は、帽子も喜んでかぶって、ポーズもとった。
This is what husband made for Nanoka of cardboard. It carry up to 60 kg. Master piece. 相方が先日、高専の講座で制作した、段ボールのドッグカー。60キロまで、乗れるそうです。力作。
On 21st of June, Nanoka got 2 years old. I was too tired after preparing things for her birthday without husband, but she was so happy about everything and I was so glad to see it.
after too much excited birthday weekend, she got fever and absent from the school. Typical.


For a little artistママからのプレゼント

We had never bought toys for Nanoka. Last year's birthday and 1st and 2nd Christmas, we did not buy any toys...Sorry for her, but we could not make our mind...This year we bought wooden bricks with money from Grandpa.
And we both decided to gave her handmade presents. Husband made bike from cardboard. I made artist box that I had wanted to present her.
One is screen which I gave her already, but it was too thin to hold for little girl. I remade them by thicker paper and also shaped it as holder then she can hold it easier when she draw over it. Another box is stamps. She was so interested in my stamp that print her name onto her possessions to the school. I did not want her to touch it since it was oil based and it would be big tragedy if she stamp somewhere in the house. But I totally understand that kids love stamps and I wanted to make her original one. If shapes are simple round, triangles, square, she can make art from that-so I should make by myself.
I know there were thousands of good toys in the world-wodden one, educationally great pieces, and so on and I wish I could gave to her, but it is endless and it cost more than we can afford it. Then what can I do for her? I mean, I am artist, and I can tell her the joy of creativity. So I would love to keep making staff for her as much as possible. I hope that she would enjoy playing with this one, too.
Little artist box from me.ママからの「アーティストセット」
Stamp made of eraser. スタンプ。消しゴムハンコ。
screen made of thicker paper. Paper folder and portfolio. 厚紙で、型を3つ。中に紙をはさんで、やれるように改良。その他、紙入れと、作品入れ。

Birthday Hat お誕生日帽子

Last night, husband came home from the business trip. During his business trip, Nanoka wanted to stay with me, absent from the school for two days and I hardly prepared for the birthday. But I managed to make the birthday hat.
Last birthday, husband was out for business trip and I almost did nothing but unpacking after the moving before his parent's visit. I could not decorate anything and made a hat in a last minute. Nanoka actually did not like it on the day and she did not wear it on the birthday. I left it for a while and I gave to her before throwing away. The picture was taken three months later.
A few days ago, she was looking at the album and reacted to this picture,"Hat!" and I noticed that she liked the hat, now. Then I decided to make it for this year. I hope that she will be happy to wear it this year.
Today is her 2 year old birthday. Happy Birthday, my girl.
1歳の誕生日帽子(撮影9月)1 year old birthday hat.
2歳の誕生日帽子。最近のナノカのブーム、「きらきら」がテーマ。This is 2 year old one. The theme is "twinkle" that is her boom now.
そういえば、6ヶ月の時にも、帽子かぶってました〜。I checked and found she wore hat on 6 months.


Album アルバム

さて、去年も「1年のダイジェスト」アルバムを、両祖父母に送ったので、今年も制作。と、同時に、ナノカのアルバムが、6ヶ月あたりから、止まっている事が判明。このままでは、ずるずる溜まっていく、と思い、がんばって、整理した。 大変だった、、、A few days left until Nanoka's 2 year's birthday. Husband had to work on Saturday and he went for drink until midnight, and this week he is away on business trip. I have to prepare everything by myself, and it was same last year.
I tried to make small album for both grandparents for memory as I did last year, and found we had not work on our album after her 6 months old...I started to work on them and exhausted.
今時、「現像写真」を「アルバム」に貼ってます。すでに3冊突破。We still print out and paste on old type album. Actually I love the quality.
ダイジェスト版1歳のナノカ 祖父母向け This small one is for grandparents.
アルバムを見て、ナノカは「私が載ってる本!」て思ったのか、毎日、くり返しめくって、相当、楽しそう。そうだよねえ〜。今まで、サボってて、ゴメンね。Nanoka seemed to be excited to the album(she might thought it was her book) and looking through them again and again. I should have done before...


one to two 1歳→2歳

A while after she became one, she got to be able to point her finger to show "one" when being asked how old. But I was thinking that it would be so difficult for her to make two shape when she become two.1歳になって少し経つと、「いくつ?」の質問に、「1」の指をして答える事ができるようになった。しかし、2歳になったら、2の指。難しくて、チビにはできないよ〜、と考えていた。
A while ago, she started to sing one Janken song. At the end, she has to make, rock, paper and scissors. Scissors is same as two shape and she found it difficult to make it by herself and came to me for help. I again and again bent her other fingers and supported by thumb. 数ヶ月前より、「お寺のおしょうさん」の歌を歌うようになり、最後のジャンケンにも、参加しようとするようになった。すると、チョキができない。パーやグーにすればいいものを、チョキに絶大な興味があるらしく、毎回、「できない〜っ、ママ、やって!」と呼ばれる。指を折って、チョキの形にしてあげていると、、、

Then now she can make scissors by herself. Actually she did not understand how to play the game and enjoying coping others doing and said, "Scissors, same as you!"ここ数週間で、とうとう、自分でチョキができるようになった。しかし、ジャンケンの概念はわかっておらず、相手と必ず同じ物を出し(強要し)、「おんなじね〜」という遊びをしている。
Then she started to answer "two" when being asked how old. Actually, Nano, you are still one year old.指ができるようになったら、早速、「いくつ?」と聞かれたら、「2」の指をするようになった。いやいや、ちょっと待って、まだ1歳でしょ?
I was very touched when Nanoka became answering "one" when being asked her age. But she seemed not to understand the age, but just coping what others praised when she did it. I thought that it would be so difficult for little kids to make the peace shape of hand. So I wondered how she would answer after she became two. Actually I noticed that kids gain the abilities when they needed at that age.

pram syrup etc 青梅、赤貝、檸檬、酢、茂木枇杷

In our neighbor, there are lots of farmer's(or fisherman's) markets and we went shopping every weekends. We can find the seasonal vegetable, fruits, fish and so on. Oyster, Bamboo shoots, strawberry were over the season, but now we can see prams. I did not think of making pram wine, but so many times I saw them around and finally I made syrup from them.
 最近、海側に行くと、大量に見かける「赤貝」も、気になっていた。一盛り100円、200円で売っているけど、どう調理するのか、皆目見当がつかず、敬遠。でも、もし絶品だったら、知らなくて損してるのかも? とりあえず買って、ゴボウと煮込んでみた。見栄えは悪いが、味はまずまず。ちゃんと佃煮にす れば、もっと、いけそうだ。This is shell called red shell here. I never see them in this size, but I tried to cook them.
こちらのお酢は、雪の浦、という地域で作られているお酢。雪の浦は、海が目の前にあるにも関わらず、漁師さんが一人もいなかった、という不思議な場所。外から見ると、集落があるのが全くわからない。お酢は、ハチミツと水で割って、飲めちゃうぐらい、さわやか。ついでに、7個入り200円の国産檸檬。ナノカは、1歳児のくせに、「酸っぱい」ものが大好きなので、夏はこういうもので、ドリンクでも作ったら、喜ぶと思う。This is vinegar handmade in local town called Yukinoura. I guess it is hidden Christian village long time ago. Very mysterious place. They still live very peaceful lives.
 茂木枇杷。売ってるのも安いけど、はっきり言って、そこら中に生えてます。そして、誰も収穫しないで、落ちている。わが家では、「会社の敷地内で自生してる枇杷」を相方が、せっせとナノカのために、持ち帰って来ています。Laquat. They were planted all over and people even do not pick up, so they fell on the ground.
 枇杷で喜ぶ、1歳児。よその地域に行って、枇杷が食べたい、と言われたら、大変な事になるなあ。Nanoka loves them!


Accent 方言?

People at Sasebo have strong accent. I understood what they say, but I cannot speak like that. 佐世保の人は、フレンドリーなので、よく声をかけてくれる。「赤ちゃん、ねとらす。かわいかね。」「いそいだが、よかですよ。」と、佐世保弁で話す。慣れたので、言っているのは、わかるのだが、使い方がわからず、話せない。
We both are outsiders of Sasebo and we both wonder how to use it. But kids have ability to learn language naturally. Nanoka will speak soon in this accent influenced by classmates. 夫婦ともに、この言葉の法則がよくわからない。なかなか、品のいいアクセントなので、うつってもいいな、と思うのだが、使えないでいる。しかし、子供は早い。保育園に通い始めたナノカは、きっと、すぐ覚えてくるだろう、と話していた。
But first word she learned from the school was "No" in Osaka accent, famous accent in the middle west. Probably she had classmate from there. しかし、最初に覚えて来たのは、「あかん」だった。転勤族も多い佐世保。多分、クラスに関西から引っ越して来た子がいるのだろう。
Recently she says,"Shall we go?" in a way of older people. There are many family living together with Grand parents here, ant her classmates might speak like that. 最近は、出かける時に、「行こうかね」と言うようになった。何だ、この年よりっぽい言い方は?同居世帯も多い佐世保。きっと、保育園にも、おじいちゃん、おばあちゃんと暮らす、お友達がいるんだね。


Racoon Boopsげんこつ山のたぬきさん

On the way home, Nanoka sometimes sings a song in the bus. バスの帰り道、歌を歌い出す事がある。
"After breastfeeding, go to sleep♪" is a phrase of famous baby song named racoon living Genkotsu mountain.「おっぱい飲んで、ねんねして〜」と歌い出す。げんこつ山のタヌキさんか。
After the phrase, it follows, "Hold in arms, riding on the back, and see you tomorrow" but she just kept repeating "breastfeeding and go to sleep" again and again. Isn't it a kind of sexual harassment? しかし、「だっこして、おんぶして」と続かず、もう一度「おっぱい飲んで、ねんねして〜」と始まる。そして、永遠に、そのフレーズのみを、歌い続けるナノカ。バスの中に、そのフレーズのみが、響き続ける。ちょっとした、セクハラじゃないかと思う。
She quoted the phrase "I want to breastfeeding and go to sleep〜”when we stopped breastfeeding in the night. The song contains all she loved.そういえば、夜中のおっぱいを辞める時も、「おっぱい飲んで、ねんねしたいの」と、歌を引用して、主張していたなあ。


Breast story still goes on おっぱい、つづく

おっぱいラバー、ナノカ。 先月ひとさわぎをして、眠るためのおっぱいと、お出かけ中のおっぱいを、やめる事ができた。残るおっぱいは、「保育園から帰ってきた後の、おっぱい」だ。たまに、時間がずれて、「お風呂上がりのおっぱい」になる事はあるものの、一日一おっぱい、はナノカの生活にきちんと組み込まれている。Boops lover, Nanoka. She quit to have milk outside home and sleeping time, but still having "milk time" when she came home from the school.
バスに乗って、家が近づいてくると、以前は、「おうち、ついたね」と言ってたのに、最近、「おっぱい、ついたね」と言うようになった。She said,"We got to boops" instead "We got to home" in the bus.
バスから降りると、すでに頭の中はおっぱいでいっぱいの様子で、顔がにやついている。She already giggled when we took off the bus.
ドアの辺りから、我慢できなくなり、靴を脱いだりも、焦らされる。荷物を置いたり、冷蔵庫に生ものを入れたりしていると、必ず、大泣きする。おかげで、トイレにもいけないで、おっぱいタイムになる事がほとんどだ。At the door, she cannot bear anymore. She cried for breast milk and she cannot wait for even putting food into refrigerator. I had no time to go to toilet...
ちなみに、「おっぱい、いっぱいあって、よかったね」と私が言うと、「1、2。ママのおっぱい、2個!」と数えた。おお、とうとう、数が数えられたか(そして、やっぱり、おっぱいからだったか、、、)On the other day, she counted, "1,2. Mommy has two boops" Finally she could count more than 1.(and it was also starting with boops...)

It looked like taking so much time to quit breastfeeding, but actually she sometimes forgot it. Yesterday we bought melon on way home and she carried it by herself. When she went home, she was so excited about it and did not notice about her skipping breastfeeding. Maybe this way, she will stop it very soon?


Laquat ビワの日

When we moved a year ago, we drove the way by our car. It was 1200km travel from Yokohama to Sasebo. 昨年の引っ越しの際、自分達は、車で1200キロを移動した。引っ越しの荷物を積み込んで、途中でお風呂と寝るために実家に一泊して、あとは夜通し運転して、佐世保までやって来た。
Finally we reached Sasebo after one night sleepless drive. It was one hour before the time when moving company would come. Husband brought us somewhere. I did not feel like climbing up the hill but just sleeping somewhere.相方が一人で運転し続けるのも危険だと思い、私も寝なかったので、着いた時は疲労困憊。部屋の明け渡し時間より少し早く着いたので、相方がどこかへ連れて来たが、「車停めて、どっかで休もうよ〜」と思ってた。
But what spread in front of me at the top of the hill was such a beautiful view. I was moved.しかし、丘を登ると、そこには、九十九島の絶景が。今思えば、そこは展海峰だった。
When we went back to the car, a man came to us and gave us loquat. It was a citizen cleaning day and they were cleaning neighbour and found us. They thought we were from far away.We felt it like a welcome fruits. さらに、駐車場に戻ると、掃除をしていたおじさんが(年に一度の、市民清掃の日だった。先週末、今年は私達も参加)、「遠くから、よう来たね」と、ビワをくれた。歓迎のフルーツをもらったようで、この街での生活が幸先よく思えた。
This is the photo I took at that time.ぶっ通しで運転して来た後の、写真。ナノカ、小さいな〜。

A year has passed after we moved here Sasebo. Probably Nanoka only had a memory of this city as her hometown. She is an Sasebo girl now. We ate loquat on this memorial day. We love the city.佐世保に引っ越して来て、1年が経った。多分、ナノカは、この街の記憶しかないと思う。1周年記念に、ビワを食べた。ビワは、こちらでは、安い。そして、ナノカも相方も、好きな果物になったようだ。


In house recycle system リサイクルシステム始動

I started my own recycling system at home. I put kitchen waste and rice bran into container with EM bacteria and leave it for around 2 weeks and put into planter with soil. Again leave it for two weeks and I planted vegetables. During making composts I decreased the amount of trash into less than half.台所の生ゴミから、ぼかし肥料を作って、野菜を作り始めました。たった2週間で容器がいっぱいになってしまったので、短期間でしたが、その間、ゴミの量が2分の1以下に減りました。これ、市民がみんなやったら、すごく環境にいいんでしょうね。
We live 13th floor of building and we had no garden. So it was difficult to just get one scoop of soil actually. We drove around and put some into bag. Even nobody used those farm, still somebody owns it and felt sorry to steal it. Next time, we should ask somebody who has farm.ただ、13階のマンションに住む私達は、埋める場所がなく、プランターに入れるちょっとの土すら、手に入れるのに苦労しました。休耕田でも、誰かの土地だし、頼もうにも、近くに人はいないし、、、今度は、庭か畑のある人に、お願いします。
We bought 30kg bag of brown rice and polish them every time we need. So we had so much rice bran which is good for making compost.これは、精米機。わが家は30キロの玄米を買って、その都度、精米するので、糠が出ます。これ、ぼかし作りに最適な材料。
This is compost. Very simple. Very easy. Only pity thing is just we had space limitation and we can only make for a few weeks until we make another pot of vegies. I wish I had garden just belly compost one by one. 入れ物に、ゴミとぼかし菌を混ぜておくだけ。一番、簡単な方法ですが、ちゃんと、できます。埋める所さえあればなあ〜。
From left, Tamato, Eggplant and better melon. They are growing even in such a small pots farmed by terrible lazy farmer. 左から、プチトマト、米ナス、ゴーヤ。本当、小さなプランターなのに、がんばって育ってくれてます。
I felt guilty about throwing so much trash every time. As many of people, I minded the future of the earth and nature, but it is actually impossible to live like naturalists. But it is no reason to do nothing. Also I wanted Nanoka to be thoughtful person who respect nature and life. It is her decision how to live in the future, but I want to show her the ecology system in the daily life as her mom. It is more important than IQ things, I believe.
In this way, I just started small recycled system in our small apt near sky. Very tiny pots and only 3 vegetables here, but still I felt this place became lively a little bit. Actually ladybugs were visiting our vegies even it was 13th floor since it is in the very mountaineer atmosphere.