
Nanoka loved TV shooting テレビ佐世保にて、本日放送です

撮影日の朝、「お昼寝の頃に、お迎えに行くね」と送り出したのだが、迎えに行くと、先生が「今日は、私、お昼寝、長くしてられないのよ」と自分で言ってましたよ、と教えて下さった。テレビ撮影、意識してるらしい、、、On the day of the TV shooting, I went to pick up Nanoka at the napping time. Teacher told me that she was mentioning that she could not have big nap since she would be picked up earlier.
まだ、眠いはずなのに、帰り道、「テレビが来たらねー、ナノカ、おどるよー。ママと、手をつないで、おどるよー」と張り切っていた(どうして、踊る事になったのだろう)。まあ、口で言ってても、大概の場合、固まって、何もできないケースが多いので、どうせ、人見知りで、おとなしくなるだろうと予想してたのだが、、、On the way to the bus stop, she was excited to tell me she would dance with me when TV came. She always said brave, but never acted as she had said. I guessed that she would freeze and become quiet at the camera.
チャイムが鳴ると、玄関に駆け出し、お出迎え。名刺は自分も要求。その後、今日のテーマが「絵の仕事」だと感づいた後は、猫の写真集(私の仕事の資料)を開いて、「これ、ナノカが描いたの」と見せていた。バタバタしていて、とがめる余裕もなかったけど、それ、大ボラじゃないですか、、、When the door bell rang, she ran to the door to welcome the clew. Then she got name card from the woman. She was watching my drawing in front of the camera and probably understood that they would shoot the art. She first showed her drawings at the wall, but soon brought the cat book by a professional photographer and said, "I drew these",,,well it was such a big lie, darling,,,
ナノカが全く怖じ気づかなかったので、子供とのシーンは簡単に撮れたのだが、その後、どこにでも参加してくるので、本来の目的の「地元のアーティストの活動」を撮影するのに、大苦労。大声で絵本を朗読するナノカの声が、ずーっと響き渡ってました。撮影隊の皆さん、スミマセン、、、いったい、どんな放送になっているやら、、、It was easy to shoot the family scene since Nanoka was not shy at all, but it became very hard to shoot my interview since Nanoka kept talking, always around the camera to pull people's attention to her. Sorry for the clew. I had no idea how they made this chaos into the shape.
Today, at the 19:00, at TV sasebo, 12ch, we were broadcasting as an artist who lives in Sasebo area.
I was so tired during the dew of illustration job, and also the whole shooting was bothered by Nanoka, I cannot feel comfortable to watch the program, but maybe it might be fun to watch to enjoy "Nanoka, on stage."

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