
Local Cable TV will come to my house today テレビ佐世保、取材が来ます

My desk right now. I am illustrating novel of a cat. 現在進行形の挿絵のお仕事中のデスク。このまま、取材してもらいます。
Today, TV Sasebo, the local cable TV station will come to my house to broadcast the local artists. They will introduce 4 of them this time.
After an operation, I might get some trouble of  hormon balancing, and very easy to get tired. But still I have illustration job to do and it is the first thing for me to finish-then my house is a kind of mess-well, my husband cleaned up last night and not that bad, but, not great to get be shot and left as a memorial.
The room is OK, maybe, but I had no time and energy to myself tidy-I did not get my hair cut, and I had terrible face,,,well, I wish I was a man author. Then people will appreciate my worn out clothes and messy hair as a symbol of talented artist.

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