
toilet problem afterwords トイレ問題その後

Nano tells me "chi chi"-when her poo is coming outナノカは、うんちがでかかった所で、「ちっち」と言う。「トイレ行くの?」と聞くと、うなづく。
So I have to harry to remove her clothes and ran to toilet, あわてて、服とオムツを外して、トイレに駆け込む(なるべくなら、成功させてあげたい)
soon after we sat on the toilet together, she is bored and stretches her body to escape from me. Her poo is not completed, I know, but she has no patience to keep sitting. She got wiped her hips and say"bye bye" to her poo. このように、二人で一緒に便座に座る方法を取っているのだが、座ってすぐ、ナノカは飽きてしまって、降りたがる。まだ、うんちは出切ってないと思うのだが、忍耐力が持たないのだ。仕方なく、お尻を拭くと、そこについたうんちを見て、「ちっちバイバイ」と水に流す。彼女の中では、うんちミッションはコンプリートなのだ。
I put her new dipper, clothes and she washed her hands(every time she wanted) and then she says "chi chi" again 5 mins later,,,そして、オムツをはいて、服を着て、手を洗って、数分もすると、「ちっち」と言いだす。当然だよねえ、、、さっき、途中だったもんねえ、、、
Nano is 1 year and 5 months old and it was a little too early for toilet training, I was thinking. I did not mean to push her, but she started to mention pee and poo and I just tried her to sit on the toilet, then we eventually started toilet training. Actually, she was still small girl and had no patience to sit on the toilet until all the poo comes out, so we had to go back and forth toilet all day long. Also she only could tell me after she peed. It is OK and I can change her dippers, but she wants to go to toilet even she already did it in dipper. It is like custom. Also after toilet, she wanted to wash her hands every time. So I am always taking care of her toilet and her washing hands. I sometime feel that it is much easier if she was poo and pee in dippers at this point, but it is her will and I should respect it. I want to help her motivation to be bigger.

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