
Sentence 2語つながる

She mistook Mama and Papa a lot. (daddy tried to fix so hard)ナノカは、パパ、ママ、をかなりの確率で間違えて呼ぶ(相方は、かなりしつこく、訂正していた)
She could speak 10 +words. Otherwise, she talks in her language.だいたいボキャブラリーは10個程度で、それ以外は、モニョモニョ、宇宙語で独り言を言っている。
She still drink breast milk and sometimes too much, so I tried to stop her saying, "Paipai, iranai"-You do not need milk. いまだに、おっぱい星人のナノカ。あんまりに飲み過ぎるので、「飲み過ぎだよ。さっきも飲んだし、もう、パイパイ、いらないでしょ」と私がたしなめたら、、、
Then she said, "Paipai iru!"- I need milk! Finally it became sentence? 「パイパイ、いる!」と答えた。え?2語、つながった?
I thought it was just accidentally she said, but soon she said "Paipai deru"-milk remains!-when I said to her "no milk left" OK, She can say sentence.(but every sentences was connected to breast milk, though) 偶然か、気のせいか、と思ったが、また別の日に、「飲み過ぎ。パイパイ、もう出ない」と言うと、「パイパイ、でる!」と主張した。どうやら、文章を話し始めたようだ(それにしても、全部、パイパイがらみ、、、)
Nano is one year and  4 months + and she speaks some words. Many people said that girls talk earlier than boys and girls will be a chatter box very soon. First she started some words such as paipai(breast) Mama, Papa, she increase her vocabulary slowly. Now she says, dog, cat, bye-bye, pee, poo, this, there, sleep, car and so on. It was such a limited vocabulary and I did not expect she would speak sentences, but she started with only a few words.

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