
self-breast-milk セルフおっぱい

After first birthday, babies grow and got their will. They became more subjective and it was natural development that mommy should be pleased. But some of their development cause their difficult attitude. Many babies showed more attatchment to the breastmilk and it got harder to resist-now it is not just suply of energy but also hobby and healing. Nano got mad if I reject giving her breastfeeding. Now she became breast-milk monster,,,To stop is sensitive matter for the kids and she soon starts nersery school which she would have strong stress at the beginning. Maybe breastfeeding will give her healing at that time and I will keep the custom for a while.
One day I talked with other moms about breastfeeding problems.Nano had strong attatchment to the breastfeeding and she drank right after left by herself. Mom of Coco, 2 years old girl, said,"I knew it! It was hard!" おっぱいの悩みは、ママ達の大きな関心事なので、よく話題にのぼる。私が「最近、ナノカが、左右をせわしなく、飲むので、困る」と話していると、2歳になるKちゃんのママが「いろいろ、大変よねえ〜」と話し始め、
and added, "Coco recently woke up when she want to drink,「でもね、うちは、最近、飲みたくなると夜、勝手に起きてね」
"and open my pajama and drink from both breasts by herself「パジャマを開けて、順番に飲んで」
"and go back to sleep by herself, so I do not have to wake up. It makes me so much easier!"「勝手に、また眠るようになったの。起こされなくなったから、すごく楽になったわ〜」と言っていた。
"Well, she did not learn to close my pajama, so left it open. My husband quietly fix it in the middle of the night." She said that Nano will do it soon, but should I push her to do?しかし、開ける事はできても、しめてはくれないらしく、出っぱなしになったおっぱいを、夜中にそ〜っと旦那様がしまってくれるらしい。どうだろう。これ、ナノカが覚えても、喜んでいいものやら、、、

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